Investments and NTTs conversion

At any moment, a member can make a proposals to open/close the sale or the redeeming of NTTs. If the proposal is accepted, NTTs Sale or NTTs Redeeming are open or closed:

  • NTTs Sale: If sale is open, members make a new NTT Bid Price proposal -> if accepted, it determines the new NTT Bid Price in the Project’s Order Book. If some investors are willing to pay the price for NTTs, their currencies are sent to DAO’s treasury, NTTs are minted to their accounts and they become members of the project.

  • NTTs Redeeming: if redeeming is open, members can make a new NTT Ask Price proposal -> if accepted, it sets the new NTT Ask Price in the Project’s Order Book. If some members want to, they are allowed to redeem some or all their NTTs for currencies from the DAO's treasury. They need to burn the NTTs they want to convert, before receiving the corresponding currencies from the treasury in exchange.

Investors who acquire NTTs become members of the DAO, alongside other contributors. Like other token holders, they share in the project's profits when revenue is generated and have the right to participate in proposals, voting, and other contributions.

Last updated